
kids say the darndest things: No. 10

Spent this weekend at various soccer games and in between games, heading out for a bite to eat, one of the parents on the team says, "Hey guys, look at this cute thing from my husband's Christmas party last night!" and she pulls out a child-size cardboard cutout of her husband. (One of those adorable props for parties where you blow up the photo and they make a life-size standing cutout (except this one was child size since the photo was of her husband as a child))

Everyone goes how cute, how adorable, look at him....however my daughter looks at it inquisitively and finally says, "Ah, wait, I don't get it - did you shrink him???"

kids say the darndest things: No 9

Scene: Driving in car, oldest in front with me, two youngest in back sucking down some candy found earlier that day

Oldest daughter to middle child: Hey, can I have some candy?
Middle Child: Nope.
Oldest Child: Please, I'll let you be a parent to one of my Webkinzs
Middle Child: Nah.
Oldest Child: Ok, I'll let you be a parent to one of my Webkinzs for a month!
Middle Child: No, because you don't share your candy with me.
Oldest Child: Mom.....
Mom: This is between the two of you - figure it out.
Middle Child: What can I say, I'm a tough negotiator
Oldest Child: Ok, so then what do you want
Middle Child: (silence for an extended period of time, like 20 seconds)
Oldest Child: Well, you can't be a good negotiator if you don't know what you want!


kids say the darndest things: No. 8

we spent Thanksgiving weekend up in Accord, NY (just outside of New Paltz) hanging out. One the long drive up, the kids kept asking, "Where are we going?" and I would reply, "The boonies!". Several minutes passed, and as we go through the mountains of walla walla land (I have a very poor sense of direction) I got this reply, "Is this the boonies?????" To which I replied, "Yea, I think so....." after a long, dramatic veil of silence as my three children gazed out at the nothingness around us, my son pipes up, "Geez, I LOVE New York!"

Kid after my own heart.


kids say the darndest things: No 7

deciding what to do this past Sunday and while batting around ideas of where to spend the day, I threw out the idea of going to Rose Hill Manor (historical house and park) that my middle one has been asking to go to since a field trip there last year.

"I'm not sure Rose Hill Manor is open. I'll have to check, what about that place?" I asked.

"Ok. Hey, whose house is it?" asked my oldest

"I think it was George Washington's house" said my middle one.

"I don't really know. Not sure about that." I retorted.

"So who's house it?" questions my big one to my middle one.

"Ahhh, I think it's where the souvenier people live - that's whose house it is." my middle states, ending the conversation.

We ended up going to the zoo.


kids say the darndest things: No. 6

On the fantastic tour buses that my daughter took on her recent class field trip, there were (gasp!) TVs that were cranked up with movies to lull the wild ones into boob tube submission during the long trip to Baltimore..

Well, when I asked her what they watched, she replied, "We watched Aladdin and then, you know, those Peanut Butter and Jelly cartoons we used watch when we were little."

"Uh, I don't know what you are referring to...peanut butter and jelly cartoons??"

"The ones with the little dog and the guy, you know, the dog Snoopy."

"Got it! That cartoon is named Peanuts, not peanut butter and jelly cartoons..."


kids say the darndest things: No 5

my oldest daughter has been pulling at her lips constantly lately and when I recently asked her to stop this annonying habit and how can we help get her stop, she said maybe having lip gloss would help.

OK, so I went out and bought some Lip Smacker Vanillacious lip gloss, which debuted on the day of the big second-grade field trip. When I asked her how her new lip gloss went (meaning, how did we do at not pulling at your lips today, sweetie...) she promptly replied, "Great, all the boys on the bus talked to me only!"

ahhh...that really wasn't what I was after....

loved this article - how to go organic in five easy ways

Struggle with this one in our house constantly. "Whole Paycheck" as Whole Foods is commonly referred to in our house eats up a great deal of the family food budget. We believe in organic foods and supporting organic growers, but sometimes it is hard to eat the right thing (get it??? instead of do the right thing..."

Check out this helpful article in the New York Times- loved it!

Five Easy Ways to go Organic


come one, come all

I'm going because one of my favorite friends is Joyce and this one is going to be lots of fun!


kids say the darndest things: No. 4

did the Halloween costume shopping thing this afternoon...and as we were in the car headed up to the mecca of costumes...Party City...we three were discussing what costumes they might pick out.

My seven-year old asks my five-year old, "What are you going to be this year?"

My five year old responds, "Well, I know I'm not going to be Batman like last year - because that costume didn't earn me enough candy!"


kids say the darndest things: No. 3: birthday time

don't you love your kids birthdays??? The thrill of throwing parties, juggling birthday wishes against price point in the family budget....

then you have to love the quesiton that comes from the birthday boy, my son, "So Mom, is today they day that I was born?"

"Yup babe, today was the day you were born."

"How was my birthday when I was born?"

"Ah, what do you mean?"

"I mean, what kind of birthday party did I have?"

"Well, hon, on the day you were born, everyone celebrated and you got some baby gifts, but there wasn't a big party with friends."

"Why not? You mean no cake?????"


kids say the darndest things...no.2

I am off to Chicago in the upcoming days for a business trip with DH - so Grandma is coming to babysit. When the news was announced to my three my youngest quickly responded with a big "Ugh! She'll make us go to bed in the daylight and eat cooked carrots!"

Geez, I didn't know that going to bed early and eating carrots was such a bad thing!

P.S. My mom is 70 and the fact that she can help out is great, so my son's whining went in one ear and out the other as they say...


check out this Q&A...

DCmom was able to read about Maria Celeste Arraras's story of how she wrote her book "The Magic Cane"....if you think you've heard the name before...it's most likely because she is the reporter who covered the story of Latin singer Selena's death.

Wow, read through this and realized that if she can write her book on her Blackberry, then my juggling of full-time consulting work, DCmom.com and three kids is something I shouldn't complain about!

Check it out...


1. What sparked your imagination for The Magic Cane?

As a working mother, I would come home from the office to find my three kids desperate for my attention. I would try reading them a story, but they all had different interests and would end up fighting when they couldn’t agree on which particular story I should read! So I began to make up stories that incorporated all the elements that all of them wanted to listen to, and one of those stories evolved into The Magic Cane.

The story is about three kids, very similar to my own three children, each blessed with a special “gift.” At the time I wrote The Magic Cane, my daughter was into mermaids, so her equal in the story has the power of Water. My sons were fascinated with Pokemon, Naruto and Inuyasha, so I gave one of the boys the power of Fire and the other one the power of the Wind...soon, they all got into the story and started contributing to the plot. Then the fights became about who could have more input!

2. What challenges do you face in your writing process? How do you overcome them?

My main challenge with The Magic Cane was finding time to get in the right frame of mind to write this kind of book. At the time, I was going through a divorce, and it was difficult to shake off the stress and pain that comes with that process and jump into the fantasy world of a magical fable. So I put the book in hiatus and after a few months, my oldest son told me, “Mama, a family that stays united is invincible,” and I said “Yes!” That became the central idea for The Magic Cane. So I sat down with a clear head and a specific idea and wrote the entire story in five hours on my Blackberry.

3. What tips or advice can you share with young students who hope to start writing?

My advice is simple: write everything down! Many people with great imaginations spend their lives “writing” books in their heads...but they never put those great ideas in black and white. What a waste of great talent So my advice is, get it on paper and share all those wonderful stories with the rest of the world! Discipline is key in every profession, writing included.

4. What is your list of favorite children or teen books?

I love The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. I read it for the first time in elementary school, and then I received a copy in college as a present. Years later, I bought another copy to read to my kids. I read it during three completely different stages of my life, and every time, I discovered new meanings in the same story. I hope The Magic Cane accomplishes the same.

I also like King Midas: A Golden Tale by John Warren Stewig. I wanted my book to be a magical fable in the style of King Midas with a similar lesson: that possessions and power do not equal happiness. I’m a firm believer that in this materialistic and consumer-oriented society, children need to be taught what is really important in life, such as family values and doing the right thing. So this was an important element that I wanted to include in my story.

3. Do you think The Magic Cane will be interpreted differently by English versus Spanish readers?

Absolutely not. The Magic Cane has a universal message that transcends not only language and culture but also age and gender. I wanted it to be a magical fable like the classic stories that my grandparents used to read to me in bed. I missed those “Once upon a time” tales that you can pass on from generation to generation, so I wanted to write one for my children and for other kids as well.


kudos to a nite of bargains

Many claps go out to the team who made DSS happen - especially babsied - who go it all together! great bites to eat, great music, and great bargains..

There was a bloggers corner for all of us who write about life around DC and in order to pick up your goodie bag you had to have a polariod snapshot taken...much fun harking back to the days of high school parties (do I date myself??) but even better seeing the shots of fellow bloggers. Shouts out to Project Beltway and Accidental Chic - you looked great!


going shoppping....going shopping

Ok, tonite is District Sample Sale (DSS for those in the know..) and if the babysitter gets to my house in time I hope to be able to score some great finds. I'm also looking forward to hooking up with friends and meeting some of the other DC bloggers in the DSS Bloggers Corner!

Keep you posted tomorrow with the results!

Coming soon....I also hope to have some Q&As with authors that are going to be at the upcoming NAtional Book Festival on the Mall. I love books, my kids love books, so I want to spread the word on this great event.


it's official

tomorrow if the first day of school and everyone - yes, all of my kids, will be in a full day of school, utilizing the same bus schedule and in the same school! Whoppee!

I know I won't be one of those moms armed with tissues as I see my youngest one off to Kindergarten, but I promise not to embarrass him by toting a bottle of champagne down to the bus stop, but gosh darn it will be good to stop "treading water" as I have been for the whole summer. Full-time work being juggled with three kids at home has made for a long, hot summer filled with much screaming. It will be good for all of us to get the heck out of the house and concentrate on something other than getting on each other's nerves!


buy, buy, buy....

Tickets will go fast, so don't get caught waiting in the long line to get in and then find out the place is sold out...order your tickets online today.

DCmom scored great stuff last year at this event - awesome brown boots that totally rocked - as did the price - a couple of pashmina scarfs that I intended to give as gifts but kept for myself instead - and last but not least several James Perse tees that I LOVE and LIVE in for cheap!


new awesome blog

Ok ladies of DC, new blog is out there in the blogsphere which is handy to all of us in the greater metro DC area. Joyce of That Mom, Inc. has started a blog where she lets us know about locally recommended services!

You can send in your own recommendations too and maybe you'll see it in print - whee...everyone loves to see themselves in print!


best chairs ever...

Ok, so I don't get out to get a manicure as frequently as I used to...but I recently got a mani/ped in at Nails by Timothy in Rockville. Just walked in and happened to be luck out being one of the first customers to try out their brand-new pedicure massage chairs. Ladies, these are the ones!

First, these recline, second they massage you everywhere, not just that annoying lower back machine grunt the other places have, plus the headrest cradles your head, so away into la la land you go.

Awesome, awesome, awesome and no, they did not up the price for a pedicure - even better.

Nails by Timothy in the Wintergreen Plaza on Rockville Pike, Rockville. Call at 301.309.0329


kids say the sweetest things

returned from a big day out at the pool, minature golf and the mecca - Costco. Everyone collapsed when we arrived home except for my oldest daughter. always the Energizer bunny she nicely asked her younger sister "Do you want to play upstairs with me?" her sister didn't respond so my daughter walked out of the room. my son (the youngest) promptly popped up his head from the couch and yelled after her, "You can ask me!"



back from vacation

took a quick trip to the beach with hubby and kids...we survived little sunburn, a maniac round of minature golf, a carousel ride, a whirlwind trip on "The Tornado", four days of fever between two kids and enough chicken fingers to croak a horse (as my mother likes to say)...

ah, but I must not forget Pokey, our new pet hermit crab who joined the family for less than 24 hours and then lost most of his legs during the arduous air-conditioned trip home in the car. We googled why this was happening and it is due to stress. Needless to say, Pokey has his own memorial in the backyard now and I scratch my head as to what is so stressful about life as a hermit crab....I must be missing something...


kids say the darndest things

driving along in the car the other day somehow the topic of childbirth, yes, childbirth came up amongst my three in the backseat. Listening slightly to the three of them discuss how gross it is to get your stomach cut open ( I had three c-sections to spawn my favorite little rugrats), one of my three piped up and said, "Mom, did it really hurt?" to which I responded, "At the time, but you forget about it especially when I get to have you guys (I was having a loving moment). " The reply that I got was the following, "Whehh, now I know why you don't like us sitting on your stomach!"


my love affair with Trader Joes continues

Ok, if you read this blog religiously (I do haha) you will quickly realize that I am a Trader Joe's fiend. Well, stopped in there today with my daughters in tow because it had been awhile and we needed some staples. Got to the check out counter and what did my little eye spy but the coolest reusable bags.... they have these fantastic island graphic designs and heavy-duty black handles.

but the best part is when you open up the back, they form this slightly rounded shape, great for groceries, yes, but perfect for a beach tote because it will fit that rolled towel shape perfectly.

I swooned and my daughters grabbed one for each of them. get to your nearest Trader Joe's and check them out..


mommy hair

Met the lovely Jill Hudson Neal the other night at an event for The School of Post Modern Dating - great time. Well, Jill and I chatted over the phone the over day on the long debated topic of "Mommy Hair" and some little thoughts of mine made it to her latest article - check it out at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/05/AR2007070500816.html


mommy gets out

my friend Amy who started The School of Post-Modern Dating had a Makeover Seminar at Urban Chic the other night and what fun it was! With a stylist and fashion consultant providing real examples of what to wear and how to look to "dress for desire" - not hoochy-koochy here, but examples of how to just bring it all up a notch - sex it up without looking ridiculous.

did you know that the most important things a lady should carry in her purse is a bit of pressed powder and lip gloss? That if you are trying to date, the worst thing in the world to wear is diamond studs - why you ask? Because it signals that someone else has already been there, because men buy diamonds for their women...intersting - huh?

sure she'll have another, so I'll be sure to shout it out - YOU HAVE TO GO!!


new mag on the scene

got an offer for a new magazine that is on the scene, buckled down to try the free issue and quickly realized that it is a (gasping sound!) Martha Stewart-empire magazine.... Blueprint is it's name and it is great. I have already used three of the great tips from the magazine...so much more doable then previous Martha "You must be perfect" magazines dictated.

give this one a try...you may be surprised.

kids say the darndest things...

headed downtown this AM to make a quick pass through the National Potrait Gallery as I heard they have opened up their outdoor terrace and to go through the Presidential potraits area with the kids.

while waiting for the Metro train to come in, my oldest watches a small sparrow hop across the train platform and then off the side of the platform down to the tracks. "Mom" she yells, "that bird just killed himself!!!"

I had to explain that he hadn't jumped, only flew down to the tracke level.

crisis adverted.


in the homestretch

School is almost out - Thursday to be exact and then the wee ones are home all the time! Swimming has kicked in and it is kicking our family's schedule butt! These weeks of overlapping activities and end of year parties and parties for kid's whose birthdays are in August,but they have a party in June to have their friends over really are a bewilderment to me....aren't you supposed to celebrate your birthday on your birthday????

Sometimes it saddens me to see that in our overscheduled world that important milestones like birthdays - really important to a kid - are scheduled to make ours and others lives much easier.

What do you think??


summer friday

Well, it is summer officially, but school is still in session and just my son is home full-time but sooooon everyone will be home - lucky mom! Well, at least we're stocked with all of the leftover toys from the American Shopper taping and they are pretty good. The kids especially love the Carpet Slides and the Find It toy is pretty cool - probably a nice thing for the pool when they have to sit out for adult swim/kids rest period (greatest invention ever!)

Keeping the Spa and Science kits in reserve for a rainy summer day or when it is just to hot to move! The Boing Balls are great too - perfect for little hands.


we're going to be on TV!

So, after weeks of anticipation, the camera man and producer of American Shopper which shows on the Fine Living cable channel showed up to film myself, my three kids and a couple of neighborhood kids in a segment on great birthday gifts.

A little photo/video shoot in the house can cause quite a stir amongst a bunch of kids and they were incredibly good considering they were hyped to the ninth degree. But once they got their hands on the toys (a little real-time testing) they quickly became great product respondents.

They just kept begging and begging to keep the Carpet Slides - greatest invention ever in the eyes of a kid of any age.


no cameras????

I returned to my car the other evening which was parked at the Grosvernor Metro stop to find that it had been severaly vandalized and then hit in the rear. Someone out there in this great world had decided to scratch some hieroglyphics into my passenger door and then back out and smash into my bumper.

Well, I waited for Metro police officer to make sure I got an accident report and when I asked him if there were any cameras to give us an idea of how may have done this, I was told that there aren't any cameras in the parking garage, only at the exit booths!

How insane is that!!!! What if I had been mugged or even worse raped while walking to my car??? There wouldn't be any photo of this incident or any way to even start trying to determine a suspect.

Needless to say, I was appalled and outraged - there should be cameras on all levels of Metro station garages or will it take a serious crime to make this come about????


Mother's Day

Hey everyone, especially all the moms out there - Happy Mother's Day!! I truly hope it was great for everyone and in the course of the day you got spend a little bit of time just for you. I was able to fit in an 18 minute run. Yes, 18 mins of peace with my iPod, hey it's longer than 15 mins of fame - right?


Momzillas Rocks

About a month or two ago I was gifted with a pre-launch copy of Jill Kargman's Momzillas book for review. I confess, it has been a bit since I finished a book from front to back, especially if it was any longer in length than this month's Bazaar. Needless to say, I loved it - and finished it!

As a former New Yorker, I have some insider knowledge on how crazy and competitive East Side moms can be, but there are Momzillas everywhere (trust me ladies) and Jill Kargman's witty expose on the inner workings of momzillas is revealed through Hannah who represents the honorable, down-to-earth mom in all of us. You'll giggle and your heart will also break as we follow Hannah's adventures because we all know the pain of wanting to fit in but trying to keep a little bit of "me" there to be proud of.

I'll only give you the clue that Hannah does make it through, but you must pick this one up. Think of it as the top book for your "required summer mommy reading list" as you prepare for next fall and the the next wave of Momzillas!

P.S. I was doubly-lucky to get to meet Jill Kargman at her recent book signing event here in DC and Abby Greenawalt took this cute photo. (I'm the redhead, and Jill's the better-dressed half of the photo!)


working mom

This blog reveals a little bit about me and who is the mom and lady behind DCmom. But, there is a rare (but oh so wonderful!) claim to fame for DCmom as I was quoted in this weekend's Washington Post. I was interviewed by a reporter doing a special article providing insight and guidance to today's college grads as they enter the workplace. And being that I am no longer a free-living single, as you may have guessed, the article focuses on motherhood and careers.

Take a look: Comeback Time: What Will a Family Do to Your Career?

Yup, having kids may halt some areas of your life and career, but in my case, it opened up a whole other world and for that I am eternally grateful to fate.


staying afloat

have you venture yet into Forever 21??? If you haven't, you must.

Recent foray found lots of stuff for both me and my girls, yes, my elementary aged girls. The XXS sizes in the tank tops, if you pick through the styles are long enough to cover your little one's middle but high enough to cover them up a bit. Plus, the various design images are so non-descript you'll win brownie points for being a cool mom and not even have to try very hard.

When checking out, be sure to go through the jewelry, found a little red apple on a long chain that is a small clock. Great as an incentive for learning to tell time or to keep track of time and it was only $4.00!


sweet salvation

Ok, like most moms, especially ones like me that like to push it to the max and stay up late, work a full-time job and then start a small business on the side, life requires instant consumption of coffee upon waking up - precisely what is done every morning in our house.

Well, this AM, I took my first slug and let out a contented sigh and the quiet murmur of "thank you coffee...". A prompt reply was sent out by middle daughter who responded, "Mom, you know, you really freak me out with this whole coffee thing...."


shopped till I dropped

Ladies, we have got to get everyone to the next installment of The District Sample Sale! What a blast of fun and bargains. It's a sellout crowd of the top area merchants (top in style, my love) offering end of season bargains and great deals on accessories, etc.

For those of you haven't experienced a real sample sale, be sure to dress lightly as there aren't any dressing rooms (you slip on clothing right there) and all those ladies shoppping in one warehouse can't get the adrenaline going!

District Sample Sale does it right by offering scrumptious finger foods and drinks to keep you fueled. As a former New Yorker, this is a really nice step up from the Soho sales I have been to.

Well, I know I had a great time and got lots of bargains, so be sure to keep an eye out for a listing for the next one - coming up soon!


the land of blogs

I must confess that many a times, instead of "working" I'm "surfing" the net just getting lost in the sea of news, pictures and gossip.

However, there are a couple of standouts that my clicks wander to over and over:

Beauty Addict
Ahhh.. to be young again and the writer of a successful blog, attending NY Fashion Week - all that aside, her blog offers sound, honest advice on the many beauty products that are out there..

Frugal Fashionista
Slightly addicting, this tells you where to get the fashionable items that celebrities, supermodels and more wear on a daily basis at a fraction of the price.

99 Products
Partial to DC bloggers, 99 Products offers a slice of 30-something life in DC that revolves around boyfriends, work and beauty.


i love Trader Joe's

My love affair with Trader Joe's continues to deepen - I could tell you that it's the low dairy prices, the free food and drink samples, or the Two-Buck Chuck that keeps me coming back.

But one of the things that I really love about Trader Joe's is this little-known fact about the neatly written, colored chalkboard signs around the store.

Well, each Trader Joe's store hires a local artist to create the signs: "Proudly supporting the arts, one chalkboard at a time," is how the corporate site puts it.

Plus, to boot, have you ever noticed how efficient AND good-natured the crew members are????


mom, I had a boring day

don't you love how when the day is drawing to an end, there isn't much wine left in the box and you're anxious to just get the kids to bed...they have the knack for saying the funniest things.

my five year old son, when told it is time for bed, responds with, "Mom, but I had a really boring day, first carpool line, then school, then to Giant for milk, only a little bit of time on Disney.com, then to the bus stop for my sisters, then home, then karate, then dinner and now bed!"

"Well, yes, I responded, sometimes you have a boring day, but tomorrow will be lots of fun."

"Arrgh, I don't want to have a boring day, every day, like you!"


holiday recovery

Took me a couple of days, but I'm back in the swing of things, determined to make 2007 a good year.

Enjoyed a couple of days at Massanutten resort in VA over the holidays. Snowboarded and my tailbone still won't forget all the wipeouts but good friends, good laughs and relaxing over the course of a couple of days.

But kids remember the dardenst things. They were so happy playing at the rented house, at the new http://www.massresort.com/v.php?pg=4 that I didn't force a ski lesson, thought I would stop their overdirected lives for a day. Then, when getting in the car to come home, my littlest one says to me, "Mom, you didn't teach me how to ski, just like you said you were going to do!" I responded, "I know babe, but you were so happy at the water park and playing that I thought we would just skip it." The eyes start welling it up and the response that came out was, "But mom, I wanted to do it with you and now I didn't get a chance."

Ahhh, once more the the guilt.