
shopped till I dropped

Ladies, we have got to get everyone to the next installment of The District Sample Sale! What a blast of fun and bargains. It's a sellout crowd of the top area merchants (top in style, my love) offering end of season bargains and great deals on accessories, etc.

For those of you haven't experienced a real sample sale, be sure to dress lightly as there aren't any dressing rooms (you slip on clothing right there) and all those ladies shoppping in one warehouse can't get the adrenaline going!

District Sample Sale does it right by offering scrumptious finger foods and drinks to keep you fueled. As a former New Yorker, this is a really nice step up from the Soho sales I have been to.

Well, I know I had a great time and got lots of bargains, so be sure to keep an eye out for a listing for the next one - coming up soon!

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