
hi from DCmom

I started the DCmom.com site to give moms, and even their kids, a place to learn about all things chic whether it was a great happening or a fantastic find. Long known to my friends and family as a serial shopper, I figured I had a talent for picking out cool things.

After having dragged my kids to thousands of events, passed them candy just to keep them quiet while I shopped, I decided there must be a niche for the way I live. Actually, I'll confess, the turning point came when I was standing in line at a Loehmann's, trying to keep three kids quiet and standing still and the millionth person came up to me and asked, "Excuse me, where did you get those great shoes and bag?" "Ahhh", I replied, "Shoes a la Target and bag from Bendel's. A little splurge and steal in one outfit." My new friend replies, "Wow, I wish I could pull that look together."

Well my friends, we all have moments of greatness. I like to think that 15 mins of fame happens at least every hour - Right?

Welcome to my blog.

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